



The greenhouse effect, also known as the “flower house effect”, is a common name for the effect of atmospheric insulation.?

The atmosphere can make the short-we radiation of the sun reach the ground, but a large number of long-we heat radiation rays radiated from the surface after being heated by the earth are absorbed by the atmosphere.

So that the surface and the low temperature of the lower layer act similarly to the greenhouse for cultivating crops, hence the name greenhouse effect.?

Since the industrial revolution, the heat-absorbing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emitted by humans into the atmosphere he increased year by year, and the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere has also increased.?

This has caused a series of problems that he attracted the attention of countries around the world.













It's the Global Warming that causes the melt of glaciesrs and results in the rise of sea level.


Global warming will lead to climate disasters, caused by various natural and manmade disasters. Such as: With increasing global warming, it's survival of the nutritional content of crops may be less and less. This is the comprehensive study of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increased the impact of the crops after the conclusion drawn.

A new Britain, "New Scientist" magazine reported that the University of Texas Southwestern researchers in this analysis showed that global warming will not only lead to floods and drought, so that crop production, the crop will survive because of the atmosphere The concentration of carbon dioxide he increased less protein. The researchers said that this result is worrying, because many people in poor countries he access to about half of the proteins dependent on these crops.

Abnormal weather this winter, has aroused unprecedented attention of world public opinion. This allows people to suddenly feel that the abnormal climate eared frequently, so that humanity is in danger, thought that human beings can control the start Zuolibuan nature. Climate warming is what brought the scourge to mankind ? First, water supply and demand conflicts intensified: global warming lead to changes in precipitation, the global water supply and demand contradictions even more obvious. Second, the increasing threat of natural disasters: tropical storm and hurricane frequency and intensity are likely to increase. Third, the fate of island worrying: Earth polarized melting snow lead to rising sea levels, many islands will be inundated, some island nations may no longer exist. Fourth, the summer heat we frequency are: report showed that, if the erage global temperature rose 3 degrees Celsius, the heat we hit North America the number will increase 3-8 times. Fifth, the biological chain disruption: biological species will lead to changes in the scope of the resettlement areas and the biological chain to move out of chaos. 6 infectious disease is rampant: through many insects, food and water-borne infectious diseases will expand the scope of the spread. Seventh, the economic development of Mengyin Ying: According to statistics, the 1990s, the major meteorological disasters caused by an erage annual economic losses from the 1960s, the 4 billion U.S. dollars surged to 29 billion U.S. dollars, human suffering from global warming problem, which has become Mankind must face the reality.

Caused climate warming is the cause of human progress, science and technology development, the improvement of living standards, said it will be difficult to understand some people. With the scientific understanding of global warming on the deepening of the human awareness of global warming is gradually strengthened, global warming has seriously affected the quality of human life and threaten human security. We can not take it lightly, the insensitive. Whether for themselves or for the sake of future generations, we should actively deal with and seek effective solutions. The ancients are "first world to enjoy music, after the world to show concern and worry" of the mind, let alone the 21st century people.

Although the human warming can not be around, but it is, after all, caused by human activities. If mankind on earth are greatly reduce the emission of pollutants, and can use various ways to reduce energy consumption, promote new energy technologies, can affect the entire planet in some areas and changes to reduce the occurrence of disastrous weather. Controlling greenhouse gas emissions can actually start from a number of minor issues, such as trel by plane at least in the newspapers, while driving without non-essential things, and so on. Greenhouse gas emission reduction, and everyone on the planet's environment, these minor issues may be small, but we all should "not small and not good for."

Deal with global warming, the development of mankind, to get early warning of climate catastrophe Huaxianweiyi ? There is no dou, only to change development concept and learn to coexist with nature and the market, and safeguard the Earth for the survival of mankind to achieve sustainable development, climate risk of early warning can be reversed. As the survival of mankind on earth, should assume the responsibility of safeguarding the Earth home. Faced with global warming caused by the environmental situation, China experts and scholars at all levels of with great concern and attention, from different angles by various response measures, in order to solve the problem of global warming find ways. However, China's environmental protection a long way to go, we should be building and harmonic society, to achieve sustainable development of the high level of awareness of the problem and seek a better solution to deal with climate change issues to promote China's sustainable development to become one of the engines.


Global warming refers to a period of time, the Earth's atmosphere and ocean temperature rise was mainly caused by human factors refers to the temperature rise. The reason is probably due to greenhouse gas emissions caused by too much. Global warming is a "natural phenomenon." Due to the burning of fossil people in order to generate energy or deforestation and carbon dioxide when burned and other greenhouse gases, greenhouse gases such as a result of radiation from the sun with a high degree of visible light through, the Earth and reflected long-we Radiation is highly absorbent, which is often said that the "greenhouse effect", leading to global warming. Nearly 100 years, the global erage temperature has gone through cold - warm - cold - warm fluctuations twice, for an overall point of view on the rise. Into the 1980s, a marked increase in global temperature. The consequences of global warming will lead to a global redistribution of precipitation, glaciers and permafrost to melt, sea-level rise, and so on, not only against the natural ecosystem balance, but also a threat to the human food supply and living conditions.


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